
黄 胜

发布时间 :2021年03月19日      阅读量:














2017.11~2021.02:华中科技大学 博士后


2012.09~2017.09:华中科技大学 动力机械及工程专业,博士(推免直攻博)

2008.09~2012.06:华中科技大学 热能与动力工程专业,本科





2. JG2023261,纵向课题,400万,2023~2025,主要参研人员。

3. JG2022463,纵向课题,60万,2022~2023,项目负责人。



6. JG2021112,横向课题,85万,2021-2021,主要参研人员。


[1] Mao Y, Gao Y, Li S, Yang C, Huang L,Huang S*, Zhang C., Hu X.* An investigation on the laminar flame propagation and auto-ignition characteristics of a coal-derived rocket kerosene-Part I: Experimental study.Fuel, 2023, 352: 129004.

[2] Zhang J., Jiang M., Wang X.,Huang S.*, Han H., Li Z. Effect of flow number of pilot-stage centrifugal atomizer on idle performance of internally staged combustor.Fuel, 2023, 345: 128144.

[3] Huang L.,Huang S.*, Mao Y., Wang B., Zhu Q., Jiang R. An experimental study on the laminar burning velocities of RP-3 kerosene and its surrogate fuel at elevated pressures and temperatures.Fuel, 2023, 331: 125844.

[4] Zhang Jie., Zhou Xiong., Han Huaizhi.*,Huang S.*, Li Zerong., Zhong Huagui. Experiment on the influence of flow number of the pilot-stage centrifugal atomizer on ignition performance of internally staged combustor.Fuel, 2022, 318: 123329.

[5]Huang S., Huang R.*, Zhou P., Zhang Y., Yin Z., Wang Z.*, Yin Z. Role of cellular wavelengths in self-acceleration of lean hydrogen-air expanding flames under turbulent conditions.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 10494-10505.

[6] Zhang Y., Huang R.,Huang S., Zhou, P., Rao, X., Zhang, G., Qiu, L. Experimental study on puffing, auto-ignition and combustion characteristics of an n-pentanol-diesel droplet.Energy, 2021, 223: 119994.

[7] Zhou P., Huang R.*,Huang S.*, et al. Experimental investigation on active nucleation site density and bubble departure frequency in subcooled flow boiling by using bubble tracking algorithm.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 148: 119081.

[8] Zhou P., Huang R.*,Huang S.*, et al. Experimental investigation on bubble contact diameter and bubble departure diameter in horizontal subcooled flow boiling.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 149: 119105.

[9]Huang S., Huang R.*, Zhang Y.*, Zhou P., Wang Z., Yin Z. Relationship between cellular morphology and self-acceleration in lean hydrogen-air expanding flames.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44: 31531-31543.

[10]Huang S., Zhang Y., Huang R.*, Xu S., Ma Y., Wang Z.*, Zhang X. Quantitative characterization of crack and cell‘s morphological evolution in premixed expanding spherical flames.Energy, 2019, 171: 161-169.

[11] Zhang Y., Huang R.*, Huang Y.,Huang S.*, Zhou P., Chen X., Qin T. Experimental study on combustion characteristics of an n-butanol-biodiesel droplet.Energy, 2018, 160: 490-499.

[12] Wang Z., Shi S.,Huang S., Tang J., Du T., Cheng X.*, Huang R., Chen J. Y. Effects of water content on evaporation and combustion characteristics of water emulsified diesel spray.Applied Energy, 2018, 226: 397-407.

[13] Xu S.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Wei W., Cheng X., Ma Y., Zhang Y. Estimation of turbulence characteristics from PIV in a high-pressure fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 346-355.

[14] Ma Y.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Zhang Y., Xu S. Ignition and combustion characteristics of n-pentanol–diesel blends in a constant volume chamber.Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 519-530.

[15] Ma Y., Huang R.*,Huang S., Zhang Y., Xu S., Wang Z. Experimental investigation on the effect of n-pentanol blending on spray, ignition and combustion characteristics of waste cooking oil biodiesel.Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 148: 440-455.

[16] Ma Y.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Zhang Y., Xu S. Spray and evaporation characteristics of n-pentanol–diesel blends in a constant volume chamber.Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 130: 240-251.

[17] Huang Y.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Hong G. Spray and evaporation characteristics of ethanol and gasoline direct injection in non-evaporating, transition and flash-boiling conditions.Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 108: 68-77.

[18] Wang Z.*, Chen X.,Huang S., Chen Y., MacK J. H., Tang J., Li L., Huang R.* Visualization study for the effects of oxygen concentration on combustion characteristics of water-emulsified diesel.Fuel, 2016, 177: 226-234.

[19]Huang S., Deng P., Huang R.*, Wang Z., Ma Y., Dai H. Visualization research on spray atomization, evaporation and combustion processes of ethanol-diesel blend under LTC conditions.Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 911-920.

[20]黄胜,郑高翔,黄荣华,蓝天凯,杨震寰,李志鹏,王龙飞.海拔条件对喷雾碰壁燃烧过程的影响研究.内燃机学报, 2019, 37(06): 522-528.
